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The Peer Mentor Program (PMP) is a program to provide peer support for early childhood educators in Australian communities. The program was co-designed and co-created with educators and researchers in the field.

This program will be initially conducted in five locations. The program is a collaboration between four organisations.

Australian Childcare Alliance Queensland, a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation whose vision is that every child in Queensland has the best start in life.

Southern Cross University (SCU) is a provider of initial early childhood teacher education.

The University of New England (UNE) is a provider of initial early childhood teacher education.

Manna Institute is a virtual research training institute operating in the Regional University Network, including Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmanian universities. The institute gives us access to wellbeing experts and resources. It is a Commonwealth-funded, UNE-led initiative incorporating Southern Cross University with the aim to provide mental health and wellbeing research and support to regional, rural and remote Australia.

What are the aims of the program?


The Peer Mentor Program (PMP) recognises that while working as an early childhood educator is very rewarding, it can also be challenging.



Using the PMP will provide access to peer mentors within the sector to support and enhance job satisfaction.


This program is designed to support early childhood educators by providing access to enhanced job satisfaction.

Professional Development & Additional Opportunities


Participating in this program will allow you to undertake additional professional development opportunities of your choosing, funded by the PMP.

Leadership opportunities will be provided by engaging educators as facilitators in the PMP.


Retention & Recognition

One of the key aims of the PMP is to retain early childhood educators in areas of need within the workforce by providing a nurturing environment with a focus on self-care and wellbeing.

Through this program, your energy, enthusiasm and passion as an early childhood educator will be recognised and supported.

Interested in applying? Click the button to fill out the application!


How much does it cost?

The program is free due to generous funding from the Australian Childcare Alliance Qld and significant in-kind funding from Southern Cross University (SCU), the University of New England (UNE) and the Manna Institute (part of the Regional University Network, including SCU and UNE).

When does it start?

The PMP starts in September 2023.

How long does it last?

The program lasts for 12 months, however, we will be exploring ways to extend this program beyond the initial period.

Who can participate?

All early childhood educators are invited to apply. Diversity across age, a wide range of experience (new to the sector to highly experienced), 
and qualifications are welcome.

Educators must have permission to participate from their supervisor.

How does the program work?


The PMP aims to create and nurture a supportive community of educators who help and learn from each other. The community of practicing educators (CoPe) will be from the same geographical area and meet face-to-face and/or online.

In each CoPe there are:

  • 6 less experienced educators (mentees)
  • 6 more highly experienced educators (mentors)
  • 1 facilitator (highly experienced educator).

The CoPe meet face-to-face once a month to share a meal (free) and discuss what they feel is relevant to them. This could be about professional challenges, wellbeing, and/or personal challenges.

Each CoPe are given funds for professional development of their choice. They can use the money for their group or combine with another 
group to increase their funds.

On the other weeks of the month when not meeting face to face, each pair (a mentor and mentee) will meet (phone, online or face-to-face) to chat and support each other.

Training and support for mentors and mentees will be provided. The facilitator also meets with the PMP organisers and each other online each month.

This program is based on a Canadian model where educators tell us that participating in this program has reignited their energy and passion 
for the sector. Educators who were thinking of leaving have stayed on to support less experienced educators. Many early career educators 
have stayed in their ECE career due to the support they have found with this program.

Why is it part of a research project?


We want to show that a peer mentoring program works to support, retain and attract early childhood educators to work in ECE centres. Therefore we need to conduct research as we establish the program to evaluate the efficacy of the program. We will also gather ideas on improving the program and making it sustainable for future participants.

The data will support our organisations to apply for further funding for ongoing programs and for other educators to be involved.

What am I expected to do if I participate?


Early childhood educators will be expected to:
  • complete surveys at various times during the year (a total of 1-2 hours over 12 months);
  • attend the monthly face-to-face gatherings. This usually takes 2-3 hours per month;
  • participate in the three 1-hour catch-ups each month with their mentor/mentee via phone or video call x12 months;
  • after each session, educators are asked to answer brief reflective questions online in their own time (5-15 minutes);
  • participate in focus groups online (a total of 2 hours during the 12 months); and
  • participate in online forums as required.

Do I get paid to participate?


Yes, facilitators will be paid $5,000.00 during the pilot PMP for their work organising the group over the 12-month period. Participating 
educators will be given a one-off honourarium of $275.00 to show appreciation for their time in providing feedback during the year.

What others have said


In this video, the leader of the Canadian program talks about the program, then participating Canadian educators discuss their experiences in the program.


You can read some of the comments from Canadian educators in these articles in The Conversation and The Sector.

Interested in applying? Click the button to fill out the application!