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Australian Childcare Alliance
In as little as 5 minutes, the temperature in a vehicle can reach dangerous levels. Leaving children unattended in a...
Thursday 24 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' Affordable childcare must be front and centre...
Monday 21 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' ACA Queensland calls on all parities to...
Monday 30 March, 2020 Healthy Qld doctors and nurses must stay on the health frontline;...


ACA Qld represents families and the early learning sector on key issues impacting the accessibility, sustainability, quality and affordability of early learning (childcare) services. We advocate for reform to improve outcomes for children, families, early childhood educators/teachers, and service providers. We are a trusted and well-informed voice for early learning in the media, and promote research into best practice.


We present well-researched and evidence-based submissions to government on improving the accessibility, affordability and quality of early learning services to enhance outcomes for Queensland's children


Further information about ACA National submissions, policy and advocacy efforts are available on the ACA National website.