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Australian Childcare Alliance
In as little as 5 minutes, the temperature in a vehicle can reach dangerous levels. Leaving children unattended in a...
Thursday 24 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' Affordable childcare must be front and centre...
Monday 21 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' ACA Queensland calls on all parities to...
Monday 30 March, 2020 Healthy Qld doctors and nurses must stay on the health frontline;...

Australian Childcare Alliance Queensland (ACA Qld) is a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation representing the private long day care sector in Queensland. We advocate for the interests of children and families. We work on behalf of Approved Providers and operators to ensure that families across Queensland have access to quality, affordable and accessible long day care.

Any media representatives interested in seeking comment or opinion on an issue relating to the early education and care sector, particularly with reference to long day care should contact:

ACA Qld Office - 07 3808 2366 or

ACA Qld Marketing Department -

Chief Executive Officer -

Majella Fitzsimmons, President - 0410 526 136