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Australian Childcare Alliance
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Thursday 24 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' Affordable childcare must be front and centre...
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About Us

Who are we?

Australian Childcare Alliance Queensland (ACA Qld) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to ensuring that every Queensland child has the best start in life. As Queensland's peak body for the sector, our membership represents over 950+ early learning (childcare) services, employing an approximate 17,500 early childhood educators and teachers who educate and care for around 200,100 children of 263,800 parents.


We advocate for the interests of children and families. We represent Approved Providers and operators in ensuring that families across Queensland have access to quality, affordable and accessible early childhood education and care.

The association has existed in various forms for more than 30 years and is run by a Management Committee. The Management Committee consists of owners, operators and managers of early learning services who have extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of early childhood, education and training, and management.

We work with members, state and federal governments, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders to ensure that the sector adopts a coordinated approach that delivers the best outcomes for children, families and service providers.

We believe in quality early childhood practices and we are committed to the continuous improvement of the early childhood education and care sector.

What are our aims?

ACA Qld is committed to providing its members with a strong, positive and proactive voice. We believe in quality early childhood practices and are committed to the continuous improvement of the early learning sector. Our ambition is to be:

What do we do?

Our operations evolve and change depending on the needs of our members, changes to government policy and emerging trends. We create the tools, services and advice that our members need to provide high quality education and care.