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One of the biggest challenges faced by those working in early childhood education and care services is managing the behaviour and emotions of young children. 

ACA Qld has partnered with trusted Child Psychiatrist Dr Kaylene Henderson to deliver the acclaimed online professional development course series, Raising Good Kids: Managing Behaviour and Emotions in Early Childhood Care and Education Settings.

This research-based 3 course series has strong links to the NQS and EYLF and has also recently been mapped to the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113) and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113). 


It is a practical, flexibly delivered course series, made up of 10 self paced modules which cover the following topics:

  • Understanding children's temperaments
  • Creating a culture of teamwork among children / reducing rivalry
  • Teaching young children how to share
  • Attachment: The importance of secure relationships
  • Centre-based activities to promote positive social behaviours
  • Teaching infants and young children to identify and express their feelings
  • Managing children’s emotions and meltdowns
  • How to promote empathy, kindness and generosity among children
  • LOTS of helpful behavioural strategies 
  • Understanding children’s misbehaviour
  • A research based approach to discipline within ECCE centres

When you register for this highly regarded course series, your staff will gain access to the video-based content that they can watch at any time on their smart phones, iPads or computers. You will also gain access to the printable handouts, interactive quizzes, recommended reading suggestions and certificates of completion. In addition, your one-off affordable registration fee includes access to full time technical support if required.

Click here to download the flyer.

Register now for this expert-delivered online course series which will benefit your professional staff and children alike.


Includes 5% discount for ACA Qld Members

  • $786.60 for 12 staff (minimum purchase)
  • Additional registration = $65.55 per staff

Buy now


How much does it cost?

Individuals registering for this online course series on Dr Kaylene Henderson's website pay $198.00 for the full course series, while services register for the price of $698.00 (for 12 staff members).

ACA Qld member services can purchase the training course at a discounted price of only $786.60 for 12 staff (minimum purchase) then a subsequent $65.55 per additional staff member.

How long do the courses take to complete?

Each of the 3 courses will take approximately 90-120 minutes to complete. 

Will my course access expire?

No. Your course access will not expire - you can take as long as you need to complete your courses. Some services choose to purchase extra registrations to allocate to new staff in the future. This will ensure that your staff maintain a consistency of approach for years to come.

Accreditation Links

The Raising Good Kids online course series for early childhood professionals links with the:

  • National Quality Standards (NQS) Quality Areas 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • Australian Teachers Professional Standards 1, 3, 4 and 6
  • Early Childhood Qualifications: Certificate III (Mapped to 2 units: CHCECE006 & CHCECE007) and Diploma (Mapped to 2 units: CHCECE020 & CHCECE007)