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Australian Childcare Alliance
In as little as 5 minutes, the temperature in a vehicle can reach dangerous levels. Leaving children unattended in a...
Thursday 24 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' Affordable childcare must be front and centre...
Monday 21 September, 2020 'What Queensland parents want. What our children need' ACA Queensland calls on all parities to...
Monday 30 March, 2020 Healthy Qld doctors and nurses must stay on the health frontline;...

Early childhood education and care services that are members of ACA Qld are kept well informed and have a broader and more up to date knowledge of developments within the sector. As Queensland's peak body for early learning services, ACA Qld is widely consulted by both Federal and State governments. ACA Qld's input into the development of legislation and policies affecting the sector ensures that children and families benefit, and services can continue to provide high quality early childhood education and care. Being well represented, informed, and supported by an  association of ACA Qld's calibre means peace of mind for affiliated services which in turn helps to create a safe, caring and friendly environment for the children enrolled in these services.