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Australian Childcare Alliance
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We believe that every child in Queensland should have access to high quality, affordable and sustainable early learning services and therefore the best start in life.

In order to achieve this vision, we encourage ACA Qld members to add their own voice by engaging with relevant decision-makers.

The resources below will help you to engage with your local MP or candidate, to share with them your views on how together we ensure that every child in Queensland has the best start in life.

Get involved



Identify your local State Electorate or Federal Electorate Member of Parliament (MP), depending on which level of government you think is more appropriate to contact regarding your issue – you may wish to contact both.


To find out which Queensland State Electorate your centre and/or where you live is located in, click here.


To find out which Federal Electorate your centre is located in click here. Click on the name of the electorate to see the current MP.



Contact your Member of Parliament (MP) and other local area candidates in writing. The best way to do this is to write a letter, as an attachment within an email.


You may like to contact us as your peak body if you need some help writing a letter to arrange a meeting.


Whilst it is useful to talk to some of the most important issues in the letter, it’s important not to get too specific, thus providing an incentive for the MP or candidate to meet with you.


Follow Up
Follow Up


Follow the written contact up with a phone call.


We recommend a follow up phone call one or two days after sending the email, to ask if the letter was received and ask if a meeting time could be set up.


It is important to be cordial, polite and patient. Remember that MPs and candidates have a huge portfolio of issues to cover, and they require notice in order to make themselves available.



If you are lucky enough to organise a meeting, be sure to prepare your key talking points in advance.


As a starting point you may like to review previous ACA submissions. However, the most important things are what's important to you as a small business owner/employer/early learning provider, your educators/staff and families?

We believe that with the right policy and financial frameworks in place, Australia could be a world leader in the delivery of high quality ECEC within 10 years.

We greatly appreciate the collective efforts of the early learning sector, along with the families that use these services, in lobbying all sides of politics with a view to ensuring that every child in Australia has access to two years of kindergarten/preschool programs in high quality early learning environments, therefore giving them the best start in life.

We believe that with the right policy frameworks in place, Australia could be a world leader in the delivery of high quality ECEC within 10 years.


We greatly appreciate the collective efforts of the early learning sector, along with the families that use these services, in advocating with all sides and levels of politics with a view to ensuring that every child in Queensland has the best start in life.