Qualifications Pathways Program

*Spaces still available for educators studying the Certificate III or Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care*

The Australian Childcare Alliance Queensland is delivering the Qualifications Pathways Program (QPP) on behalf of the Department of Education to support workforce growth through scholarship subsidies and wrap-around mentoring support.

The QPP will focus on enabling educators to complete early childhood approved qualifications in Certificate III, Diploma, Bachelor, or Graduate Diploma levels. Students who qualify for the program are supported financially and practically for the duration of their study.

Students studying towards a Certificate III or Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care may be eligible for wrap around support of up to $3,000 and $6,000 respectively.  Students in rural and remote communities or who have CALD or First Nations backgrounds are eligible to receive an additional supplementary subsidy.

Wrap around supports will include every student having access to regular check ins and mentoring sessions with a Kindy advisor to ensure students are more likely to succeed and complete their qualifications. Wrap around support will also assist in providing students with textbook costs and supply students without access to functional IT equipment with the necessary resources to effectively complete their workload.

Students may also be offered incentive payments for the successful completion of their courses. Supplementary subsidy will be provided to students in regional or remote communities to cover travel and accommodations costs as well as supplement the service to pay their wages for their practicum placements. Students with a CALD or First Nations background are also eligible to receive the supplementary subsidy to cover the same costs as above or to cover additional wrap around support with our Kindy advisor.

Thus far the program has awarded 56 students with Graduate Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree scholarships. We still have spaces available to award scholarships for educators looking to study the Certificate III or Diploma. 

For more information, email qld.projects@childcarealliance.org.au or fill out the Qualifications Pathways Program application form now to get the process started!

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