ACA President Gwynn Bridge said that families need assistance now but congratulates the Australian Government on not being tempted into kneejerk cuts.
"No Government should forget the overwhelming and positive contribution that early childhood education and care makes to workforce participation and the development of young Australians", Ms Bridge said.
ACA has confidence that the government, with the Productivity Commission's recommendations, will address affordability and accessibility concerns and families and children will be the beneficiaries.
ACA also welcomes the Australian Government's initial steps to address flexible delivery of care in rural and regional areas by restoring much need funding to the Occasional Care sector.
However, the changes outlined in this budget to the Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA), if not implemented carefully, may impact negatively on some parents seeking to return to the workforce.
ACA will continue to urge the Australian Government to focus on improving affordability and accessibility for all families. The Australian economy, our children and our communities all benefit from increasing female workforce participation and quality early childhood education and care programs for children.
"The key issue is that more and more of the most vulnerable families in our community are struggling to access early childhood education and care. It would make no sense for any government to put the future wellbeing of Australia's children at risk", Ms Bridge said.
Enquiries: ACA President Gwynn Bridge - 0418 764 779